We’ve gathered additional resources and services to support you on your journey.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have passed. Visitors are also advised that this website references educational resources which may contain graphic or distressing content.
Listen to Come Together
Information & Services
Cultural Compact Downloads

Rabbit Proof Fence

Ten Canoes

In My Blood It Runs

Sweet Country

Samson and Delilah

The Sapphires

Our Law

Top End Wedding

Cleared Out: First Contact in the Western Deserts
by Peter Johnson and Sue Davenport

My Tidda, My Sister
by Rachael Sarra

by Kirli Saunders

Barbed Wire and Cherry Blossoms
by Anita Heiss

Dark Emu
by Bruce Pascoe

Title Fight
by Paul Cleary

Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia
by Anita Heiss

Serious Whitefella Stuff
by Mark Moran